The objects of Brackenfield Village Association are as follows: 1. to generate awareness of and interest in the local community, 2. to support local community activities, 3. to develop communication opportunities for residents and local businesses and 4. to work in cooperation with existing village and public bodies to sustain and improve the amenities, facilities and environment of Brackenfield. The Association is always non-political and non-sectarian.
The Association formed in Spring 2017 has adopted the following powers: 1. to raise funds and apply for, invite, obtain, collect and receive contributions, grants, subscriptions, fees & loans, 2. to employ any paid worker or pay any agent to assist in the achievement of the aims of the Association, 3. to hire, rent, lease and own property and equipment necessary to achieve the aims, 4. to affiliate to any local or national group or association that the Management Committee decides is appropriate and disaffiliate from any group or organisation if continued affiliation be, in the Management Committee’s view, against the interests of the Association, 5. to do all such other lawful things as are necessary to achieve the above aims or any of them. This all sounds formal but is necessary nowadays to make sure everything is done to the letter and above board. More Information about what the Association is about can be found on the contact page.