NP Submission
Final Plan
Following the positive result of the Public Referendum held on the 5th September 2019 on the Brackenfield Neighbourhood Plan, North East Derbyshire District Council has ‘made’ the Plan and it will now be used by the District Council Planning officers to assess planning applications submitted within the Parish.
All the final supporting documents can be viewed on North East Derbyshire's website via the following link:
Brackenfield Parish Council has submitted a Neighbourhood Plan proposal under the Town and Country Planning Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (reg. 15).
The Plan sets out a vision for the Brackenfield Parish and establishes the type of development needed to help sustain the community. If made, it will become part of the development plan for land use and development proposals within Brackenfield Parish. The Plan can be inspected in the following ways:
At North East Derbyshire District Council’s Offices at Mill Lane, Wingerworth between 9am & 4.30pm
At the following location in the Plan area:- - The Plough Inn, Matlock Road, Brackenfield, DE55 6DD
Viewed on the Council’s website:-
If you have any comments on the Neighbourhood Plan, please respond by e-mail to Emails are preferred but you may comment in writing to: Helen Fairfax, Planning Policy Manager, North East Derbyshire District Council, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S42 6NG
All responses must be received no later than 5pm on Friday 12th April 2019. Please title your response ‘Brackenfield Neighbourhood Plan: Submission Draft’ and where possible refer to specific paragraphs or policies on which you are commenting.
The Plan proposal has been submitted with a selection of documents and is supported by evidence used in the preparation of the Plan. These are available via the above web sites.
The District Council has determined that the legal requirements of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations are complied with. It has also confirmed that the Plan does not require an Environmental Assessment or a Habitats Regulation Assessment, in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004.
Following the consultation period the Plan will be examined by an independent Examiner, who will report to the District Council, following which they will decide what action to take and whether to go forward to ‘make’ the Neighbourhood Plan part of the development plan for the District. You may include in your comments a request to be notified of our decision on this plan.
If you have any queries you may email the above address or ring the office on 01246 217170.
Neighbourhood Plan Survey
Please use this link to add your comments -
Brackenfield Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of Reference
The below was adopted on Thursday 6th July at the 3rd meeting of the Group:
1. Purpose a. The main purpose of the Brackenfield Steering Group is to oversee the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan for Brackenfield in order that these will then progress to Independent Examination and a successful community referendum and ultimately be adopted by Derbyshire County Council to become planning policy. b. The Steering Group will engage the local community to ensure that the Plan is truly representative of the ambitions of Brackenfield. The Group will maximise support for the approach taken in the Neighbourhood Plan by ensuring high levels of community engagement throughout the plan-making process. 2. Principles a. That the Steering Group will undertake the process in a democratic, transparent and fair fashion, encouraging widespread participation and giving equal consideration to opinions and ideas from all members of the community b. All decisions made shall be fully evidenced and supported through consultation with the local community. 3. Roles and Responsibilities In order to achieve this, the Steering Group will carry out the following roles: • Be accountable for steering and providing strategic management of the Neighbourhood Plan for Brackenfield • Produce, monitor and update a project timetable • Produce a consultation and engagement strategy, showing how the public will be involved throughout the process • Regularly report back to the Parish Council for endorsement of decisions taken • To undertake analysis and evidence gathering to support the plan production process • Actively support and promote the preparation of the Brackenfield Neighbourhood Development Plan throughout the duration of the project • Identify sources of funding • Liaise with relevant authorities and organisations to make the plan as effective as possible • Gather data from a wide range of sources to ensure that the conclusions reached are fully evidenced and that the aspirations and issues of all residents are understood • Consult as widely and thoroughly as is possible to ensure that the draft and final NDP is representative of the views of residents • Agree, subject to ratification by the Parish Council, a final submission version of the Brackenfield Neighbourhood Development Plan 4. Membership a. 3.1 The Steering Group will be made up of a cross-section of volunteers from the community, including Parish Councillors. Effort will be made to seek representation from under-represented sections of the community. b. 3.2 Membership of the Steering Group will be open to the public indefinitely up to a maximum of 16 members.
5. Decision Making a. The Steering Group has full delegated authority from the Parish Council to deliver its plan-making functions up to and including publication of the Consultation Draft Plan. The Group will report bi-monthly to the Parish Council setting out progress on its work. The Parish Council will approve the Submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan prior to publication for consultation and independent examination. b. The plan-making process remains the responsibility of the Parish Council as the qualifying body. All publications, consultation and community engagement exercises will be undertaken by or on behalf of the Parish Council with appropriate recognition of the Parish Council’s position given in all communications associated with the project. 6. Meetings a. Steering Group meetings will take place monthly. b. Where possible, all meetings should be held within the Parish. The dates of future meetings will be made publicly available via the Brackenfield website. c. The Steering Group will elect a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary from its membership to remain in those positions until the project is completed. If these positions should become vacant, the Group will elect an alternate. d. The Secretary shall keep a record of meetings and circulate notes to Steering Group members and the Parish Council in a timely fashion. Minutes shall be made publicly available on the Brackenfield website. e. At least 5 clear working days’ notice of meetings shall be sent to members via email or via a neighbour. f. Decisions made by the Steering Group should normally be by consensus at Steering Group meetings. Where a vote is required each member shall have one vote. A minimum of 7 members shall be present where matters are presented for decisions to be taken. A simple majority vote will be required to support any motion. The Chairman shall have one casting vote. 7. Working Groups a. The Steering Group may establish working groups, made up of volunteers from the community to aid them in any Neighbourhood Plan related work. b. Each working group should have a lead person from the Steering Group. c. Members of the community will be encouraged to participate in the process at all stages. 8. Finance a. All grants and funding will be applied for and held by the Parish Council, who will ring-fence the funds for Neighbourhood Development Plan work. b. The Steering Group will notify the Parish Council, advising them of any planned expenditure before it is incurred. c. Steering Group members and volunteers from any working groups may claim back any previously agreed expenditure incurred during any Neighbourhood Plan related work. 9. Conduct a. It is expected that all Steering Group members abide by the principles and practice of the Parish Council Code of Conduct including declarations of interest. b. Whilst Members as individuals will be accountable to their parent organizations, the Steering Group as a whole is accountable to the wider community for ensuring that the Plan reflects their collective expectations.
c. The Steering Group will achieve this through applying the following principles: i. Be clear and open when their individual roles or interests are in conflict ii. Treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion and belief and iii. Actively promote equality of access and opportunity 10. Changes to the Terms of Reference a. This constitution may be amended with the support of at least half of the current membership at a Steering Group Meeting and with the approval of the parish council. 11. Dissolution a. The Steering Group will be dissolved once its objectives have been attained and/or when at least half of its members and the parish council, consider its services are no longer required. b. The Steering Group will then dispose of any remaining funds held in accordance with any conditions imposed by the grant funders and in the best interests of Brackenfield Parish.
Present: David Wakefield, Linda Walker, Martin Philips, Peter Pilsbury, Billie-Jean Poole,
Stefan Priest, Graham Keeton, Mike Edwards, Christine Edwards, Anne Edgar, Joe Dugdale
(Rural Action Derbyshire), Jane Bush
Christine agreed to be the note-taker for this meeting.
1. Name: It was agreed that the group should be called “Brackenfield 2033 (Neighbourhood Planning Group)
2. JD gave a resume of the initial tasks:
Formalisation of the group (adoption of a constitution): This will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Research and building the evidence base: This requires research into existing documentation, local knowledge and opinion and reference to what constitutes good planning. The evidence gathered needs to relate to what will matter to NE Derbyshire Planning Committee and the Examiner. The National Planning Policy Framework is a key document;
also the Local Plan. The Plan we create needs to be fit for purpose in planning terms, focusing on Land Use in the Parish from now to 2033. It will set out planning policies and frameworks that planners and developers must abide by. Key elements will be how to manage, maintain and improve the character of the land and settlement of the Parish and maintain its integrity, consistent with services. The scope embraces, for example, design, layout, sensitivity to the environment and wildlife, water supply and road capacity. The plan must be enabling and describe the “right kind” of development for the area. JD estimated that the evidence gathering may take about three months. Tasks can be broken down and carried out by sub-groups. Members of the sub-groups can be recruited and do not need to be in the overall planning group.
• Look at the NE-Derbyshire Local Plan in detail in order to understand how it relates to Brackenfield.
• Conduct a Landscape Survey: This needs to be detailed with photographs and descriptions in order to evidence what development would be in keeping with the area.
We need to describe the environment and what makes it distinctive. We need to break the survey down into Housing, Services, Traffic and Transport (including cycling and walking), open spaces and heritage.(It is possible to point to previous development as “bad development” that should not have been permitted, if this seems appropriate.) We can include heritage, hedgerows, water, drainage, old trees, views, landscape value and overall landscape character. A catalogue of heritage features would be useful. Photos of key views can illustrate the impact on the whole environment. Martin will try to get copies of the Parish Map used in the Designation application to help us plan this task.
• Consult: What do people in the parish feel about the next 15 years? What do they want or not want? Views and preferences are important but are not enough in themselves as good planning reasons are required to back this up. Consultation can include surveys and questionnaires (important to establish the most useful questions to ask) and public events. Creating a vision: As a steering group we will need to establish a proposed vision to put to
the residents of the parish, setting out what we would like to achieve (objectives and a set of proposals – the minimum number to be effective.)
3. Appointment of Chair and Secretary:
Chair: Stefan Priest was proposed by Martin and his appointment was unanimously agreed. Secretary/Communication: Mike and Christine Edwards offered to share the role and were appointed by unanimous agreement.
Stefan took the chair at 6.20pm
4. Timescale:
We are unsure where the process of Designation has got to at NE-Derbyshire Council. Mike will check. Evidence gathering to July; Start consultation in June/July; Complete consultation arounf September; Aim for draft proposals in December/January to be tested within the community. It would be helpful to ask Richard Cooper from NEDDC Planning to check on what we are doing on a regular basis.
5. Tasks for the next meeting:
• Formalise the constitution: A draft has been circulated and Christine will make sure it goes to everyone present at this meeting for consideration before we next meet.
• Establish working groups: It would be helpful if everyone could think about their interests and expertise and which elements they might assist with, ahead of the meeting.
• Funding and budget: We will need to prepare for our grant application, which can cover costs for the first six months. No money can be spent in advance of the grant allocation. The grant can cover consultants' fees (e.g. RAD and Wildlife Trust); promotional material; conducting the survey; publication of documents, public events (room hire and refreshments). Equipment hire costs can be included but not purchases.
• Progress report:
6. Discussion: Evidence and Information
Oxford Report: This contains everything that is published about Brackenfield Parish but is based on data gathered in 2011 census and we may need to update some elements. Christine will send email attachment. We need a few people to read it in detail. NE-Derbyshire: They have a broad brush Landscape Character Assessment available, but we need to go into a lot more detail. It is important to know which fields are designated as
Special Landscape Area. We need to work closely with NEDDC. Stefan will contact them to introduce what we are doing. CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England): There may be a “Quiet Lanes” Survey; Dark Skies/Light pollution can count as an environmental feature; assessment of the Green?
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust – would be useful to contact them regarding recent reports. NEDDC Footpaths Officer: Peter will get in touch with a former colleague for information. It was suggested that if there is no longer an officer in place, one of us might become a voluntary footpath officer which would enable us to get hold of data. This had been suggested some years ago by the Council Officer at the time. Ogston Bird Club: Wildlife data The meeting closed at 7.20pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 6 June at 6pm at The Plough
6th April Meeting
Twelve people attended the "setting up group" meeting at the Plough on Thursday 6th April and it was really enjoyable to meet and chat over a relaxed drink. Joe Dugdale from Rural Action Derbyshire explained the next steps, which involve forming a steering group to lead the way through gathering evidence and consulting with residents and everyone who has an interest in the village. Nine people offered to take part in the steering group, however this remains open to anyone who feels they would like to contribute, in any way. All help gratefully accepted! The next meeting will be at the Plough on Tuesday 2nd May at 6pm. Do come along, or contact us for more information.